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JOIN US TO CELEBRATE THE BOOK LAUNCH PARTY: Soils, Séances, Sciences and Politics - On the Posthuman

Location: Goethe-Institut, Beijing, Originality Square, 798 Art District, Jiuxianqiao Road 2, Chaoyang District Beijing

Date: 2018/4/6

Time: 7.30-9.30 PM

Guest: Rick Dolphijn(philosopher), Jo Wei(curator), Fu Xiaodong(curator) and Thomas Eller(artist and writer )

Moderater: Kristiina Koskentola FREE ENTRY

This (E)volume is collection of essays and practices that reflect on the presentations in the seminar Soils, Séances, Sciences and Politics (SSSP)- On the Posthuman and New Materialism (Goethe-Institut, Beijing 2017). This discursive and performative 2-day seminar opened up diverse relevant topics such as, technology, ecology, sustainability, agency, and materiality. An international group of cultural and scientific practitioners -artists, curators, researchers, and theorists- gathered to collectively reflect on these urgent issues with and through diverse art practices. Rather than being an exhaustive introduction to the fields of research in question, this publication consists of individual explorations, positions and reflections. New Materialism and Posthumanism are so far mainly researched in the Western (art) discourse and context. With this publication we focus on opening up a larger transcultural dialogue in the context of visual art and related theory-practises in the fields of New Materialism and Posthumanism. Throughout this diversity of topics the underlining themes and questions are spirituality, environment, dualism, capitalism and temporality. Furthermore, we explore to what extent these theory-practices might be echoing Chinese thought and what might this mean and generate.

With jubilation we introduce the volume and discuss its topics with focus on dualisms and monism and what might they mean for our environments, technology, politics and our co-beings- material and immaterial. Furthermore we reflect on how these issues are addressed in art practices.



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Institute for Provocation

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