Institute for Provocation welcomes you to attend a lecture by Iris Lacoudre this Thursday, 7th of September. Iris is currently doing a 3-month residency for the research about Common Places.
Iris Lacoudre will introduce herself through some of her recent works, and discuss her current project at IFP, supported by Iaspis. Iris Lacoudre investigates the notion of Common place, defined as a public place containing no specific intended program, appropriated by any human activity, drawn by necessity, community or rituals. From children playgrounds to Hutong yards, Iris widely investigates the domestic gestures enabling a sense of place, a territorial intimacy. They describe the commonalities of architecture; and become silent form. Taking roots in the material and immaterial knowledge of a place, the common place is a soft material, layered, malleable, and organic. Constantly under construction, this significant space is the stage of multiple sceneries, unexpected and unplanned. Referring to Henri Lefebvre in The Production of space, these architectural pieces are thus social forms. They create infinite situations, undefined corners that one inhabits, appropriates, domesticates. In a context where monumentality is being praised, these minuscule situations open a stage for an architecture of use and appropriation, as constitutive elements of it. Beyond Modernism, this research is an intend to look at shared behaviours as different layers playing with a defined structure. The project is thus thinking our environment as an open playground. This lecture is an open talk for discussing this topic as a public matter.
Time and location:
Time and Location 2017. 9. 7 6:30 pm @IFP Studio Heizhima Hutong 13, Dongcheng District, Beijing