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The Migrant Worker Collective: Screenings and Discussion

Institute for Provocation and Three Sounds Study will co-host the screenings of The Migrant Worker Cllective's films.


3.19 (Sun) 14:30-16:00 A Migrant’s Ballad: Second Generation

3.25 (Sat) 14:30-16:00 After Us, the Deluge

* Due to the limited time and budget, there won't be English subtitles for this particular screening event. As a temporary solution, we prepare the transcript of the film in English as text for download. Please see the link:

About the Film

A Migrant’s Ballad: Second Generation

Director: Wang Dezhi

Genre: Feature film

Country: China

Runtime: 100 min.

Language: Chinese

A Migrant’s Ballad: Second Generation is a feature film focusing on the young migrants' surviving stories. Struggling with their disenfranchised existence, the migrants tried to help each other through self-organization. In this process, they discovered the potential for solidarity as both a form of petition and means for survival.

After Us, the Deluge

Director: Song Yi

Genre: Documentary

Country: China

Runtime: 90 min.

Language: Chinese

After Us, the Deluge documents the ongoing everyday struggle of migrant workers. The film particularly hones in on the life of second and third generation migrant workers under the National Enrollment Control issued in 2014.

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Institute for Provocation

4/F, Suit B7-3A, 706 North 1rd St.,

2 Jiuxianqiao Rd (798 art zone),

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