Independent Art Spaces 2016
“Be Water”
The second edition of “Independent Art Spaces Beijing” will host independent art projects, no matter if you have a fixed location or are a collective occupying public spaces or private apartments or the digital space. Taking the question of independent art practice in China a step further we want to explore different possibilities of art space and their concepts. In a time, where space is not any more necessarily connected with a locality we want to also show projects of art that happen outside of the institutional system. This years edition will showcase Beijing-based art spaces, but also projects especially created for this year’s edition.
The topic of this years edition will circle around the topic “BE WATER”. A proclamation for a practice that is neither fixed nor controlled, but rather fluid, flexible, essential and omnipresent in the small and big. Water incorporates everything, and everything is incorporated. Water is flexible, it's everywhere, and it's life-sustaining. Water has no shape; instead, it flows where it desires, and it alters its movement and speed as it wishes or as the need requires. Bruce Lee’s mantra, “Be water my friend” calls the ability to become anything you want and take any shape you like. “Be Water” calls for art projects that investigate this ability and make use of it.
The program in the different spaces will include exhibitions, performances, concerts, screenings, and lectures. The variety of programs mirrors the broad spectrum that Beijing’s and international independent space scene. The week of “Independent Art Spaces 2016” will take place between August 20th -28th.
Organizers: IFP, I: project space, LAB47, ON SPACE
Time: August 20th -28th
Opening Party: August 20th at Red Gate Residencies, Shangri-La Compound, Feijiacun village, Bei Gao Studio 1
Supported by: New Century Art Foundation
Participating Spaces/ Collectives:
ADL / Aotu Studio / Arc Space / Bauhau Lab / DREAMER FTY / Ice Treats Exchanges - China Residencies / IFP / I: project space / LAB 47 / N-Industry / Non Space / North Sixth Ring Road Museum / Minority Space / Moshang Experiment / SALT PROJECTS / Video Bureau / Water projects (Korea)
Please follow IAS 2016 “Be Water” on Facebook, Wechat (ID: iasbeijing) and on iasbeijing.org