IFP is excited to present a new exhibition with Danish artist Christian Danielewitz in Black Sesame Space.
An offbeat traveller of sorts, Christian Danielewitz uses his status as an artist to venture into contested territory, bringing back images, objects and substances that become requisites in a carefully composed rebus. Working through a manifold of representations, all interconnected and often loaded with political punch, he exposes the flipside of human activity; explosion, excavation, extraction, exclusion, exhaustion and finally extinction. In the project developed in China and presented in Black Sesame Space as a site-specific installation, he goes further in bringing invisible materiality into the light. In one of the two spaces in Black Sesame, the photographic image, here used as a media documenting the scenes of industrial residue, contains traces of the radioactivity present in the time and place of exposure. In the other space, we are exposed to contaminated objects physically present and measured in millisievert. The elements in the exhibition are connected through their mutual interdependence, as described by Gaston Bachelard in “Water and Dreams: Imagination of Matter: “[…] images of matter, images that stem directly from matter.”
Opening May 28th 4-7pm
Exhibition open May 28th - June 12th
Black Sesame Space
Heizhima hutong 13
Dongcheng District