Institute for Provocation has invited 13 artists to transform the last remaining courtyard in Baitasi, Qianchaoshou hutong No 23, into an experimental and experiential space. Drawing from the current conditions offered by the courtyard, a complex and highly textured environment characterised by a long series of rooms and small courtyards, this project proposes displacement and juxtaposition of contrasting artefacts, materials and actions as ways to counteract and reflect on the status of this place and others like it.
Displacement, shift, relocation are words that can describe a contemporary condition in which our individual and collective consciousness incorporates experiences other than our own, in one sense distant and unfamiliar, to become a part of our personal history. Physical places become media, broadcast across physical boundaries to be experienced elsewhere, as a visual flow of imagery complete with its built-in ocular distortion mechanisms. Similarly, as people are relocated to new places without familiar truths, these voids tend to get filled with hopes and fears intimately linked to the experience of otherness.
As a collective art installation rather than a group exhibition, The Aliens of Courtyard 23 will present various perspectives on how to approach the strangely alluring decay of an evacuated Beijing courtyard.
Sep 24 - Oct 4, 2015, open daily from noon to 7pm
Opening Sep 24, 4 - 8pm
Qianchaoshou hutong 23
Xicheng District, Beijing

闫冰 Yan Bing
吃饭 Eating
蔬菜、馒头 Vegetables, steamed buns

米贺 Michiel Hilbrink
古代的雕塑并没有真正裸体 The Statues of Antiquity Are Never Really Naked
乙烯基、绳子 Vinyl, rope

李山 Alessandro Rolandi
T恤衫、讲故事、笔记本 T-shirts, storytelling, notebooks

韦丹Dan Wiren
催化剂 Catalyst
纸、塑料、金属、墨 Paper, plastic, metal, ink

清水惠美 Megumi Shimizu
墙上的战争War On The Wall

清水惠美 Megumi Shimizu

吴勒 Ole Aselmann
浩淼的蓝色远方 The Wild Blue Yonder
综合材料 Mixed media

娜布其 Na Buqi
某小姐的约会 A Young Lady On a Date
综合材料 Mixed media

娜布其 Na Buqi
放在那儿 Put It There
综合材料 Mixed media

韩五洲 Han Wuzhou
挺好的?挺好的!Everything is fine? Everything is fine!
日用品 Daily items

呀!金子 Ah! Gold
孙研 Sun Yan
综合材料、丙烯上色、尺寸可变 Mixed media, acrylic paint, size variable

阿科 Ake
枉凝眉 Atlantis Betrayed
塑料膜,塑料箱,相片 polystyrene foam box, polystyrene foam plastic, photo

陈淑瑜 Chen Shuyu
从头开始 Tabula Rasa
纸,胶水 Paper, glue

清水惠美 Megumi Shimizu
百家姓 Family Names
炭 Charcoal

晓麦 Max Gerthel
欧米茄 Omega
竹子,钓鱼线,LED灯 Bamboo, fishing line, LED spotlight

王光旭 Wang Guangxu
隐居 Hermit
晴纶 Acrylic

曾宏 Zeng Hong
表皮 Epidermis
水泥、白色瓷砖、木制家具、PVC扣板、尺寸可变 Concrete, white tiles, wooden furniture, PVC board, size variable

天汲 Tianji Zhao
晒贝壳 Drying Seashells
包装绳、日用品 Packaging strings, daily items