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Black Sesame is a new project space for art, design and sensory experience located in the courtyard at Heizhima hutong 13. Institute For Provocation has teamed up with Here&Now Studio, Visual Anthropology Lab (VAL) and furniture concept WAM/万物 to transform the former boiler room into an open space dedicated to exploring the limitations and possibilities of our human senses. As a spatial platform for creativity open to IFP’s resident artists and the local community, Black Sesame will be a venue for high-quality projects, interventions and workshops.

Grand opening Friday, June 27, 5-9pm

Black Sesame will be shared by IFP and:

Visual Anthropology Lab (VAL) is space for exchange between China's visual researchers and ethnographers. VAL is the visual department of the Cognitive and Sensory Ethnography Lab (CSEL) which provides ethnographic insights on customer intelligence and user experience for enterprises. Website coming soon:

HERE&NOW studio is a space to focus and partner to tune in, to explore, and come up with a WOW. It provides experiential learning programs through body awareness, emotional awareness and simulation games.

WAM万物 is a new Chinese furniture brand with the aim to develop high-quality furniture for private and public spaces as well as conceptual explorations and installations. WAM万物 proposes the indivuduality and variation of unique pieces as an alternative to the monocoque environments which dominate the market. WAM万物 explores the possibilities of contradiction - new/old, hard/soft, heavy/light - as a means of producing new designs and experiences.

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Institute for Provocation

4/F, Suit B7-3A, 706 North 1rd St.,

2 Jiuxianqiao Rd (798 art zone),

Chaoyang District,






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