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IFP participates in the 1st Independent Art Space Festival in Beijing
As a part of IAS Beijing 2015, IFP will host an artist talk with resident artist Astrid Myntekær and open its doors during the weekend of...

渐变之事II:静物札记 夏落(Charlott Markus)的个展在芝麻空间
IFP工作室邀请您6月20日来芝麻空间,参加驻留艺术家夏落的特定场域作品个展。 展览于下午四点开幕,欢迎大家在欣赏作品的同时,一同享用瑞典仲夏小食和饮料。 夏落在黑芝麻空间中的展览,呈现的她六是个月以来在激发研究所的驻留项目中的研究,展览将展出一组艺术家对自我感知的空间式拼...

Matter of Gradation II: notes and standstills - Charlott Markus solo exhibition in Black Sesame
We are delighted to invite you to IFP Saturday June 20th for the solo exhibition of resident artist Charlott Markus who has created a...

IFP驻留艺术家夏落(Charlott Markus)的个展在智先画廊
IFP artist-in-residence Charlott Markus will exhibit at Intelligentsia Gallery this Saturday May 9. Part of Live At Project curated by...

Charlott Markus' one-day show at Intelligentsia Gallery
IFP artist-in-residence Charlott Markus will exhibit at Intelligentsia Gallery this Saturday May 9. Part of Live At Project curated by...

IFP/中法文化之春活动 -奇妙装置电影院 - 新媒体艺术家朱利恩·梅尔的工作坊招募中
受到中法文化之春的邀请,著名新媒体艺术家朱利恩·梅尔(Julien MARIE)再次来到中国,在北京Institute for Provocation进行为期六周的艺术驻留计划。之前他曾多次受邀来中国参加新媒体艺术展。朱利恩此次在IFP的驻留计划除了展览与讲座外,还包括一个...

IFP/Croisements Workshop: Julien Maire
Optical, mechanical and kinetic experiments Julien Maire, invited to complete a residency at the Institute for Provocation, continues his...

中法文化之春2015活动| 4月26日在IFP的讲座 : 3D图像
欢迎本周日来IFP工作室,参加我们来自法国的驻地艺术家,朱利恩·梅尔 (Julien MAIRE),和中国艺术家闻竹的对谈讲座。本次讲座特别邀请了中央美术学院的费俊教授,和来自艺术界(LEAP)的艺术项目策划总监贺婧作为我们的谈话嘉宾。...

Croisements seminar: The Three-dimensional Image
Join us this Sunday for a min-seminar/dual artist talk by artist-in-residence Julien Maire (FR) and Wen Zhu (CN) currently exhibiting in...

g = 0
欢迎您这周日前来IFP的芝麻空间参加《g=0》艺术家闻竹特定场域装置的开幕 "g"這個名字來源於自由落體加速度公式。 《 我們看到水在各種各樣的盛器和區域里展開。於是我們覺得水是杯子的形狀,或一望無際的海洋。而當其失去重量,g=0時,它們變成每一滴,似乎只有在這個時刻,...
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