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Dennis de Bel(b. 1984, NL callsign: PD0WNED) works with software, electronics and various forms of waves. By hands-on practical research and workshops he attempts to decode the larger socio-economical narratives and realities embedded in our, often taken for granted, every-day devices. His work has been exhibited at Siggraph Los Angeles, Transmediale Berlin and hosted workshops in various collaborations at, for example, Isea Hong Kong, Radical Networks New York. He participated in the Relearn summer-schools and Libre Graphics Meetings besides being a guest tutor at the Design Academy Eindhoven and the Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam University of Applied Science. In 2017 he co-founded Varia, a Rotterdam based space for developing collective approaches to everyday technology. De Bel holds a MA from the Piet Zwart Institute and will be working at the Institute for Provocation in 2018.


Dennis de Bel (丹尼斯)生于1984年,荷兰呼号:PD0WNED。Dennis运用软件、电子设备和各种形式的波进行创作;通过动手实操的实践型研究和工作坊,他尝试解码更宏观的社会经济叙事,以及那些被植入我们早就习以为常的设备中的现实。他曾于Siggraph Los Angeles和Transmediale Berlin展出他的作品,并曾与Isea Hong Kong, Radical Networks New York等机构合作举办工作坊。他在Design Academy Eindhoven 和 Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam University of Applied Science担任客座讲师,同时还参与了Relearn summer-schools和Libre Graphics Meetings。 2017年,他联合创办了位于鹿特丹的Varia,该空间致力于发展切入日常技术的集体途径。De Bel拥有Piet Zwart Institute的硕士学位,他将于2018年在激发研究所进行驻地创作。


His exhibition in IFP:

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Institute for Provocation

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