Monika Czyzyk (b.1989, PL) relocates and participates in hybrid socio institutional formations seeking out topics and materials created within these collaborative communities and later translates them into forms of moving image, installation, photographs, performance. Her research interrogates the changing face of alienation in contemporary society and global communities of women. She has been experimenting with various forms of moving image. Her experimentations with the camera tend to culminate in short films that oscillate between fiction and documentary. Since 2015 she has been working with Torsten Zenas Burns on the series of videos and performances called Monstersweet. And currently finishing her documentary under the title BOdyssey. Czyzyk was a resident of African Artist Foundation in Lagos/Nigeria and Signal Culture in Owego/NY. Her videos have been screened at WRO 2017 Biennale: DRAFT SYSTEMS, Wroclaw/Poland, Union Docs NYC/NY, November Film Festival, London/UK, EMAP 2016: The 9th Ewha International Media Art Presentation, Seoul/SK.
Monika Czyzyk(出生于1989年,波兰)辗转于各种混合的社会制度建构之间,通过与社群合作寻求话题与材料,并将其转译为动态影像、装置、摄影及表演。她的研究探讨当代社会的种种异化现象,关注世界各地的女性社群。经过多种形式的摸索,她的影像实践最终落脚于一种介于虚构与纪实之间的短片形式。自2015年起,Monika Czyzyk与Torsten Zenas Burns合作,创作了一系列名为“怪甜”(Monstersweet)的影像和表演作品。目前,她正在完成名为“身体漫游”(BOdyssey)的纪录片。Czyzyk曾参与的驻地项目包括:位于尼日利亚拉各斯的非洲艺术家基金会(African Artist Foundation),位于纽约奥韦戈的Signal Culture。影像作品参展经历包括—— WRO 2017 Biennale: DRAFT SYSTEMS,波兰弗罗茨瓦夫;Union Docs,美国纽约;November Film Festival,英国伦敦;EMAP 2016: The 9th Ewha International Media Art Presentation, 韩国首尔。