Chen Shuyu 陈淑瑜
Chen Shuyu studied architecture in Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST) and Tsinghua University. From 2004 to 2006 she worked with Ai Weiwei as an architect and project coordinator, between 2007 and 2015 she worked with Ma Yansong/MAD Architects as editor and exhibition coordinator.
In 2010 she founded Institute for Provocation (IFP) in Beijing with curator Els Silvrants-Barclay. With IFP as a platform, she probes around the edge of architecture and performance, exploring the spatial dimension of cultural production through collaborations and collective exchange. With a wide network of artists, designers and makers in China and Europe, her projects aim at bringing these diversities together in a common physical and cultural space.
She is based in Malmö, Sweden since 2017.

陈淑瑜,IFP的联合发起人,建筑师,编辑。在华中科技大学及清华大学完成建筑学教育。2004-2006在FAKE DESIGN作为建筑师与项目协调人。2010年,陈淑瑜和Els Silvrants-Barclay在北京共同发起Institute for Provocation, 并担任艺术总监。以IFP为平台,她逡巡在建筑学的思考与行动边缘,通过发起跨领域的文化项目去探寻尚未被定义的城市空间。
她编辑的书籍包括《疯狂晚餐》(2008, Actar出版社,西班牙,与Brendan McGetrick合作),《山水城市》(2015,英文版,Lars Müller,瑞士/中文版,理想国),《缓冲 - 厉槟源》(2017,Institute for Provocation, 瑞典),《非常高兴》,《从群众研究到跨文化剧场》(2017,文化中国)