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Brave New Worlds

Chen Shuyu


Chi Peng


Jiang Jun


Pak Sheung Chuen


Zhao Chuan


In 2010, the Chinese government founded a development fund for Africa, the total sum being more than half of Germany's entire global development budget. Brave New Worlds probes the migration process of the money, goods and people connected to it. Five Congolese and Chinese artists visit each other during 2 fieldtrips. They are architects, theatre-makers, artists or writers and are looking for traces of their own culture in the other's country through stories and objects. In such a set-up, classic western criteria of centre and periphery, of east/west or north/south seem null and void. What chance does this new orientation of Africa offer? Is the Chinese development help simply old-fashioned colonization in modern clothes? 


After the fieldtrips, the artists meet up again during a series of presentations and invite the audience along. Will anything remain of the clichés about the red superpower and the poor, black continent?


Brave New Worlds project website:





2010 Projects
Anchor 16
Anchor 29
Diederik Peeters
Hans Bryssinck


In Zanahoria, Peeters and Bryssinck collect images of themselves following different strategies: they commission visual artists to draw them, organize auditions for people to play them, and so on. 


They look close-by, but also work in a geographical and cultural sense, scouting for stand-ins in those contexts where they are least likely to be found. 

Anchor 30
Scenario/C'est du Chinois
Edit Kaldor

Scenario is the pre-study to C'est du Chinois, a theatre piece in which Edit Kaldor explores the limits of empathy and the possibilities of a reductive approach to communication. 


Through a series of interviews with people in Beijing of different backgrounds, Kaldor compiles scenario's for her new piece, in which language and communication play a key role. Will the performers succeed in telling their stories, and will the audience understand what they are saying?  



Peter Lenaerts

Quies is a research by sound artist Peter Lenaerts on silence. And absence. And nothing. The lack of. Just space. And air. That moment when the last note has rung, the last line has been delivered; the last movement has been executed. Just before the audience breaks out in applause or boos. That moment of anticipation. Of holding your breath. Your senses, exalted and wired. All ears. That moment. Exactly that moment.


Peter Lenaerts' website:


Anchor 8

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Institute for Provocation

4/F, Suit B7-3A, 706 North 1rd St.,

2 Jiuxianqiao Rd (798 art zone),

Chaoyang District,






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