An open letter to IFP visitors
Dear IFP visitors: Since 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are forced to change our approach to residency at IFP. While we no longer...

IFP Exhibiton | Goeun Bae “Of Whom The World is Not Worthy”
IFP Exhibiton | Goeun Bae “Of Whom The World is Not Worthy” Time: 4th Jan. 2020 – 14th Jan. 2020 Opening party: 4th Jan. 4pm *Performance...

IFP Open Studio | Tim Woodward "8 Soups"
IFP Open Studio | Tim Woodward "8 Soups" Time: 2019.12.14 (Saturday) 2pm - 6pm Address: IFP Studio, Suit B7-4/F, 706 North 1rd St.,...